Yesterday it was Monday and the endof was finished. I was made dust after two days of not giving stick in the water, and the bed was so warm, that the sheets stuck to me and I stayed myself in the bed. My father hit me a yell and it went of little that I don't fall myself from my bunk. I was at dot of arriving late to the school. Less damage that the teacher didn't say "You have an unpunctuality"!
When I went out to the yard, it was making a terrible wind, and I said to my friend "Look what wind it is making!" and my friend responded "You have reason!". Half an hour more late, the bell touched and a repellent boy said to me "Give yourself hurry, you go late!" and I said "Go to fry asparagus, piece of donkey!" and, followedly, I went to the class.
I passed three hours whole in class, and at the halfday I sat myself at the side of the wall. I made some duties and studied one little, and I ate the eaten one.
For the afternoon we made an exam, which went to me well, and then came a teacher of guard. I passed myself super well, and it missed little that one boy fell for the window!
It arrived the hour when the school finished, and I went to pick the bus. I was black because the two boys behind me were striping me. One hour later I got down of the bus and I went home at darks. I made the rest of my duties, ate my supper and put myself in the bed, at the elevens and half.
Escrit mentre feia 3r d'ESO, però no ho he volgut canviar gaire. N'hi ha que s'endurien les mans al cap...
Mm que recuerdos me trae.. malos eh? no me gusta nada pensar en el insti. Pero bueno algo he entendido xD
WAF WAF WAF !! Anava pensant, aquest idioma em sona d'algo... Molt original, eh!
M'ha encantat!!!! No sé què dir, m'he quedat sense paraules! He rigut moltíssim, cosineta!!
I see what you did there...
Muy bueno, los from-lost-to-the-riverismos me han hecho mucha gracia. xD
Little kisses. :D
Uhm... l'unic que no em queda clar és el "striping". Que bo! Es nota que és del castellà, per això... Jejejeje.
No, Eli, del sànscriiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!! xD
striping = ratllant
Bueno, en contrast de que fóra del català, nena! Perquè dius eating the eaten one, i això en català no ho diries!!! Que no sóc lela!!! xD
^^ La comida... em sembla que és més del castellà que del català!
Per cert, sóc esquena!
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