19 December 2011

Assaig de la presentació

La Nina, el Walter, la Shawinigan (i darrere seu, els seus papoose Saskatchewan i Saskatoon), la Nica, el Banana, la Judit, la Tanya, la Polina, la Irina, la Nadya i la Katya s'han assegut tots junts per sentir-me assajar la presentació per demà. xD


Lady Violet said...

O.K. ...so, what did they think of it???

Big hugs ;)

LSEP said...

Oh they were quite happy with it. For once, Nina didn't say much, and the rest also listened carefully. By the time I'd finished they were still smiling, which I expect is a good sign!

Lady Violet said...

A 9, and all you could say was "well, not too bad." You are...you:D And you've always been the same. Love you dearly...
By the way, Nina looks very pretty in this photo of her:) Just love all that orange hair!

Raxigp said...

La Nica resplendeix per sobre de tots els altres ;)